Our shop
Welcome to Vitant, the skincare solution designed for individuals with vibrant, active lifestyles who appreciate the essence of living life to the fullest.
Our focus is on holistic well-being, both inside and out, with a commitment to natural, performance-based ingredients.
For those leading an active life, our skincare range is tailored to keep pace, ensuring you look as good externally as you feel internally.
Shop Our Skincare Products Below
Bedtime booster 20ml
R350,00 -
Bedtime booster 30ml
R500,00 -
Body wash 100ml
R130,00 -
Clear wish 30ml
R420,00 -
Clear wish combo
R490,00 -
Day 60 capsules
R340,00 -
EMS eye, face and neck massager
R745,00 -
November 09, 2024
JAK SE GEHEIM – 9 November 2024
R200,00 -
Muscle rub cream 50ml
R80,00 -
Natural deodorant lotion 50ml
R120,00 -
Repair skin barrier cream 30ml
R280,00 -
Vitamin C skin cream 100ml
R300,00 -
Vitamin C skin cream 200ml
R510,00 -
Foaming cleanser 50ml
R170,00 -
Foaming cleanser family size 100ml
R230,00 -
Smoothing gel 30ml
R290,00 -
Bio-retinol Hydration serum 20ml
R300,00 -
All about eyes combo
R470,00 -
Ecoskin cream 30ml
R350,00 -
Restorative moisturiser 30ml
R390,00 -
Vitamin C glow serum 20ml
R290,00 -
Wrinkle relaxant 20ml
R390,00 -
Balancing moisturiser 30ml
R350,00 -
Lifting eye cream 30ml
R260,00 -
Environmental protector
R500,00 -
Essential value pack
R550,00 -
Everyday sunscreen 30ml
R350,00 -
Hydration value pack (anti-ageing)
R580,00 -
Hydration value pack (essential)
R510,00 -
Serum combo
R450,00 -
Anti-ageing core combo
R1300,00 -
Core combo for men
R1100,00 -
Essential skin core combo
R1100,00 -
Essential skin core combo sensitive skin
R1100,00 -
Essential skin complete combo
R1600,00 -
Essential skin complete combo plus wrinkle relaxant
R1900,00 -
Clear skin combo